Aksaray University
About the External Stakeholder Evaluation Survey

A total of 47 participants, 34 male, and 13 female participated in this survey. While 51.06% of the participants were administrative staff working in Aksaray province, the rest were administrative and academic staff working in other universities. The reliability level of the questionnaire is 96.3%, and according to the analysis of variance, the questionnaire is collectible and does not contain a negative factor. As such, the data obtained are scientifically evaluable.
The overall satisfaction score of the survey is 70.19∓12.99.
The satisfaction score for the question group measuring corporate identity is 68.81∓15.56.
The satisfaction score for the question group measuring social contribution is 72.19∓14.25.
The satisfaction score for academic and administrative staff is 70.95∓16.16.
The score for satisfaction with our graduates is 69.24∓13.12.